Joran Honig
Dark mode
Light mode
⚔️ Quests
⚔️ Quest - The Basics of DeFi
🛣️ Path - The Ultimate Path to DeFi security research
Path Quest - A Crashcourse in Economics
Path Quest - The Attacker Mindset
3 Activities to Make You a Better Bug Hunter
3 Mistakes I Made When I Started Bounty Hunting
3 Reasons Why You Should Publish Your Security Research
3 strategies to get into hunting bugs in smart contracts
3 Ways to Write a Proof of Concept
4 Strategies for picking the perfect bounty hunting targets
A Perfect Balance Between Practice and Execution.
Becoming a web 3 security researcher: Balancing foundations and the attacker mindset.
Bounties & Two Sided Reputation
Decoding the Y Combinator: A Deep Dive into Recursion
Don't Ignore Oracle Extractable Value!
Game Theory - Exploiting Superior Knowledge
Getting familiar with systems thinking, modelling and cadCAD
Hunting For Bugs: Top Idea in Your Mind
Introduction into Mutation Testing
micro - Work on your tools
Moving to a digital garden
Mutation Testing for Smart Contracts - A step by step guide
Parse Solidity incrementally using tree-sitter
Properties vs Fuzz tests
Security Analysis - Diving into Dataflow Analysis and Reaching Definitions
Shift Left and DevSecOps - What does it even mean?
SirenMarkets V1 - Getting Free Leverage with a Block Stuffing Attack
Sleuthing Toolbox - Everything you need to reverse engineer web3 hacks!
Stealing all your secrets using IPFS Mounts
Ultimate list of Common DeFi Component Types
You Should Look for Game Theory Bugs
Assurance Contract
Attacker Mindset
blind mempool injection
Bounty Hunting with Indicators
Bug Bounty Discussions - Moving the goalposts
Bug Hunting from the Terminal
Competitive Audit Economics
concentrated liquidity - sticky tick boundaries
digital garden
Dominant Assurance Contract
Effort Budgeting
elo rating system
Flashbots Blind Backrunning
Flashbots Blind Frontrunning Attack
Flashbots Block Reward Sidechannel
Generation Effect
Goblins - Object Programming
halstead volume
Hanlon's razor
Minimalistic Software
Myerson-Satterthwaite theorem
Offensive AI
ranking system
Rogue public key attack
Signature Replay Attacks
Smart Contract Security and AI
solar punk
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Blockchain Bug Write-ups
Tag: devsecops
Tag: devsecops
1 item with this tag.
Dec 01, 2020
Shift Left and DevSecOps - What does it even mean?